Seeding, fertilizing, and mulching, sewage system revision, Newfound Gap, North Carolina, 1968Great Smoky Mountains National ParkCompletion report photo; Seeding, Mulching, and fertilizing of access road, comfort station in background. Installation of a new sewage disposal system at Newfound Gap, Miller-Terry, Sevierville, Tennessee, contractor.Newfound Gap Sewage System Revision, II-U-Sewer-NFG-15246, Physical Facilities - Utilities - Sewer systems - Newfound Gap Sewer
Completed filter bed, sewage system revision, Newfound Gap, North Carolina, 1968Great Smoky Mountains National ParkCompletion report photo; Completed filter bed. Installation of a new sewage disposal system at newfound Gap, Contractor: Miller-Terry, Sevierville TN,Newfound Gap Sewage System Revision, II-U-Sewer-NFG-15241, Physical Facilities - Utilities - Sewer systems - Newfound Gap Sewer
Seeding, fertilizing, and mulching, sewage system revision, Newfound Gap, North Carolina, 1968Great Smoky Mountains National ParkCompletion report photo; Seeding, Mulching, and fertilizing of access road, comfort station in background. Installation of a new sewage disposal system at Newfound Gap, Miller-Terry, Sevierville, Tennessee, contractor.Newfound Gap Sewage System Revision, II-U-Sewer-NFG-15247, Physical Facilities - Utilities - Sewer systems - Newfound Gap Sewer