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About 230 Items

Caretaker's Shed Showing Additional Damage - Hurricane Betsy Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
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Caretaker's Shed with Knocked-Out Wall - Hurricane Betsy Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
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Farm Manager's wood shed Structures, Exterior (HS 30) Wood Shed. Farm Manager's Wood Shed.
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Springhouse with wood shed in background taken from drive to barn area Structures, Exterior, Woodshed - H. S. #6Structures, Exterior, Woodshed Drive - H. S. #45c). Springhouse with Woodshet in background taken from drive to barn area. CSHNHS.
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Photo of Farm Manager's wood shed prior to restoration Structures, Exterior H.S. #30, Wood Shed (Farm Manager's). Photo of Farm Manager's wood shed prior to restoration.
View of the north end of the woodshed prior to the restoration, note debris on the top of the shed Structures, ExteriorH. S. #6, Woodshed. View of the north end of the Woodshed prior to the restoration-note debris on the top of the shed.
Front view of Farm Manager's wood shed, note hose in shed Structures, Exterior H.S. #30, Wood Shed (Farm Manager's). Front view of Farm Manager's wood shed-note hose in shed.
Front view of the wood shed prior to restoration Structures, ExteriorH. S. #6, Woodshed. Front view of the Wood Shed prior to restoration.
Woodshed showing exterior measurements, three different views Structures, Exterior, Woodshed (H. S. #6). Woodshed showing exterior measurements - three different views.
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Woodshed showing exterior measurements, three different views Structures, Exterior, Woodshed (H. S. #6). Woodshed showing exterior measurements - three different views.
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Woodshed showing exterior measurements, three different views Structures, Exterior, Woodshed (H. S. #6). Woodshed showing exterior measurements - three different views.
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Farm Manager's wood shed, two views, one showing exterior measurements Structures, Exterior, Farm Manager's Woodshed (H.S. #30). Farm Manager's Wood Shed 2 views - one showing exterior measurments.
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View of the south end of the wood shed prior to restoration Structures, ExteriorH. S. #6, Woodshed. View of the south end of the Wood Shed prior to restoration.
Two views of the front wall of the wood shed prior to restoration Structures, ExteriorH. S. #6, Wood Shed. Two views of the front wall of the wood shed prior to restoration.
View of the back of the wood shed prior to restoration Structures, ExteriorH. S. #6, Wood Shed. View of the back of the Wood Shed prior to restoration.
View of the Farm Manager's wood shed after restoration, note farm tractor stored here Structures, Exterior (H.S. #30), Wood Shed (Farm Manager's). View of the Farm Manager's Wood shed after restoration note farm tractor stored here.
Two views of wood shed of Farm Manager's house during restoration, note boards being used to enclose Sandburg tractor is in shed Structures, Exterior (H.S. #30), Wood Shed (Farm Manager's House ). Two views of Wood Shed of Farm Manager's House during restoration. Note boards being used to enclose. Sandburg tractor is in shed. Farm Manager's house in background.
View of a section of the roof of the wood shed prior to restoration Structures, ExteriorH. S. #6, Woodshed. View of a section of the roof of the Wood Shed prior to restoration.
Two views of a section of the back roof of the woodshed showing how the roof angles down and meets the ground Structures, Exterior, H. S. #6. Two views of a section of the back roof of the woodshed showing how the roof angles down and meets the ground.
View of the area around the wood shed Structures, ExteriorH. S. #6, Wood Shed. View of the area around the wood shed.
Farm Manager's wood shed prior to restoration Structures, Exterior (H.S. #30), Wood Shed (Farm Manager's). Farm Manager's Wood Shed prior to restoration.
Two views of a section of the back roof of the woodshed showing how the roof angles down and meets the ground Structures, Exterior, H. S. #6. Two views of a section of the back roof of the woodshed showing how the roof angles down and meets the ground.
View of the various contents of the wood shed Structures, ExteriorH. S. #6, Wood Shed. View of the various contents of the wood shed.
View of the top of the wood shed, note debris Structures, ExteriorH. S. #6, Wood Shed. View of the top of the wood shed-note debris.
Two views of the front wall of the wood shed prior to restoration Structures, ExteriorH. S. #6, Wood Shed. Two views of the front wall of the wood shed prior to restoration.
Farm Manager's wood shed prior to restoration Structures, Exterior (H.S. #30), Wood Shed (Farm Manager's). Farm Manager's Wood Shed prior to restoration.
Two views of the front of the wood shed prior to restoration Structures, ExteriorH. S. #6, Wood Shed. Two views of the front of the wood shed prior to restoration.
Photo shows Farm Manager's wood shed prior to restoration Structures, Exterior (H.S. #30), Wood Shed (Farm Manager's). Photo shows Farm Manager's wood shed prior to restoration.
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About 230 Items

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University