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Timber slash Great Smoky Mountains National Park Timber slash.Slash, III-L-4231, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Silvical Characteristics of Slash Pine Great Smoky Mountains National Park; National Park Service
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South Florida slash pine Biscayne National Park; National Park Service South Florida slash pine.
Slash pine, February 1979 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Slash pine.
Pre-Harvest Estimation of Logging Residues in Middle Georgia University of Georgia Libraries vol. 73; Call number: ga f600 r4 s1 p2 n.73.
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Railroad bridge and logging slash Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Slash from logging operations Great Smoky Mountains National Park Slash from logging operations.Logging operations, III-L-7193, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Slash from logging operations Great Smoky Mountains National Park Slash from logging operations.Logging operations, III-L-7196, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Slash from logging operations Great Smoky Mountains National Park Slash from logging operations.Logging operations, III-L-7197, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Slash from logging operations Great Smoky Mountains National Park Slash from logging operations.Logging operations, III-L-7195, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Logging operations Great Smoky Mountains National Park Slash from lumbering operations?, III-L-7189, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Slash from logging operations Great Smoky Mountains National Park Unidentified.Logging operations, III-L-7198, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Logging railroad and slash, Great Smoky Mountains National Park Great Smoky Mountains National Park Logging railroad and slash.Lumbering operations, III-L-7191, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Showing one of several hundred piles of slash remaining along White Rock Trail Great Smoky Mountains National Park Showing one of several hundred piles of slash remaining along White Rock Trail from 2nd and 3rd periods (CCC) before the forestry division took over work in Big Creek, N.C. CCC Camp NP-7, Mt. Sterling, N.C.Fire Hazard Reduction, III-C-CCC-4950, History - Campgrounds and Picnic Areas - Cataloochee CCC Camp

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