Letter, 1863 September 22, James Wallace to Brooks, regarding Parrott guns that failed [Verso]National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from James Baldwin, reporting results of Baldwin's examination of the 100 and 200 Pdr Parrott guns that failed during the bombardment of Ft. Sumter. The number of rounds at which guns failed, signs of crystallization, cracks, and fractures in the guns are detailed.
Letter, 1863 September 22, James Wallace to Brooks, regarding Parrott guns that failed, page 2National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from James Baldwin, reporting results of Baldwin's examination of the 100 and 200 Pdr Parrott guns that failed during the bombardment of Ft. Sumter. The number of rounds at which guns failed, signs of crystallization, cracks, and fractures in the guns are detailed.
Letter, 1863 September 24, Baldwin to Brooks, regarding exploded Parrott guns [Recto]National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Baldwin, stating that Baldwin's report on the exploded Parrott guns is enclosed. Baldwin writes that he has found a letter written by him before the war began that contains a plan for the production of heavy wrought-iron guns. Baldwin writes that he considers this plan superior to any method now in use, and says he will explain the method to Brooks at a future time.
Letter, 1863 September 24, Baldwin to Brooks, regarding exploded Parrott guns [Verso]National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Baldwin, stating that Baldwin's report on the exploded Parrott guns is enclosed. Baldwin writes that he has found a letter written by him before the war began that contains a plan for the production of heavy wrought-iron guns. Baldwin writes that he considers this plan superior to any method now in use, and says he will explain the method to Brooks at a future time.
Letter, 1864 December 31, Eaton to Brooks, relating to sand bags [Recto]National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Eaton in response to Brooks' request for measurements of sand bags. Eaton reports the average dimensions and weight of sand bags at Fort Putnam. Eaton also writes that he wants to go home for a few days, and shall be very much obliged if Brooks airs that desire.
Letter, 1864 December 31, Eaton to Brooks, relating to sand bags [Verso]National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Eaton in response to Brooks' request for measurements of sand bags. Eaton reports the average dimensions and weight of sand bags at Fort Putnam. Eaton also writes that he wants to go home for a few days, and shall be very much obliged if Brooks airs that desire.
Letter, 1864 March 17, WC Hanford to BrooksNational Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Hanford enclosing the Signals and Sentences for Steamers, and advising Brooks to have Gillmore make application for procuring a boat.
Letter, 1864 March 17, WC Hanford to BrooksNational Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Hanford enclosing the Signals and Sentences for Steamers, and advising Brooks to have Gillmore make application for procuring a boat.
Letter, 1864 March 17, WC Hanford to BrooksNational Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Hanford enclosing the Signals and Sentences for Steamers, and advising Brooks to have Gillmore make application for procuring a boat.
Letter, 1864 March 18, William Reynolds to BrooksNational Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from William Reynolds in response to Brooks' request to learn the Naval System of Signals. Reynolds writes that it is not in his power to furnish Brooks with them, as there is not any published system.
Letter, Brooks to Cheney? of the Spencer Repeating Rifle Co., regarding bayonets on Spencer riflesNational Park ServiceLetter from Brooks to Mr. Arther Cheney? of the Spencer Repeating Rifle Co. requesting a change in the Spencer Army Rifle to enable the bayonet to be carried reversed on the Rifle for boat-service. A drawing is included. Brooks also requests any printed instructions concerning the use and care of their Spencer Rifles.
Letter, Brooks to Cheney? of the Spencer Repeating Rifle Co., regarding bayonets on Spencer riflesNational Park ServiceLetter from Brooks to Mr. Arther Cheney? of the Spencer Repeating Rifle Co. requesting a change in the Spencer Army Rifle to enable the bayonet to be carried reversed on the Rifle for boat-service. A drawing is included. Brooks also requests any printed instructions concerning the use and care of their Spencer Rifles.
Letter, Brooks to Cheney? of the Spencer Repeating Rifle Co., regarding bayonets on Spencer riflesNational Park ServiceLetter from Brooks to Mr. Arther Cheney? of the Spencer Repeating Rifle Co. requesting a change in the Spencer Army Rifle to enable the bayonet to be carried reversed on the Rifle for boat-service. A drawing is included. Brooks also requests any printed instructions concerning the use and care of their Spencer Rifles.
Letter, Brooks to Cheney? of the Spencer Repeating Rifle Co., regarding bayonets on Spencer riflesNational Park ServiceLetter from Brooks to Mr. Arther Cheney? of the Spencer Repeating Rifle Co. requesting a change in the Spencer Army Rifle to enable the bayonet to be carried reversed on the Rifle for boat-service. A drawing is included. Brooks also requests any printed instructions concerning the use and care of their Spencer Rifles.
Letter, Brooks to Strahan, Caldwell, and Shaw, with Shaw's reports in response [Recto]National Park ServiceLetter to Strahan, Caldwell, & Shaw from Brooks, requesting to know the number of rounds at which each of their pieces failed at. Shaw reports that 375 Rounds were fired from his first Parrot before it became disabled, and that information from Strahan and Caldwell cannot be sent because they are out of camp, or absent from their post, respectively.
Letter, Brooks to Strahan, Caldwell, and Shaw, with Shaw's reports in response [Verso]National Park ServiceLetter to Strahan, Caldwell, & Shaw from Brooks, requesting to know the number of rounds at which each of their pieces failed at. Shaw reports that 375 Rounds were fired from his first Parrot before it became disabled, and that information from Strahan and Caldwell cannot be sent because they are out of camp, or absent from their post, respectively.
Letter, Emet? to Brooks, on a plan of the main magazineNational Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Emet? on a plan of the main magazine, where Emet writes that the magazine is somewhat larger than he stated a while ago. A diagram showing dimensions is included. Possibly by Emet.