Parable written by Brooks, page 1National Park ServiceParable written by Brooks about a ruler of a kingdom and his appointed captain. The people loved the ruler but believed him wrong for not changing the captain, who was not a fighting man.
Parable written by Brooks, page 2National Park ServiceParable written by Brooks about a ruler of a kingdom and his appointed captain. The people loved the ruler but believed him wrong for not changing the captain, who was not a fighting man.
Parable written by Brooks, page 3National Park ServiceParable written by Brooks about a ruler of a kingdom and his appointed captain. The people loved the ruler but believed him wrong for not changing the captain, who was not a fighting man.
Report by Brooks, on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers, page 1National Park ServiceReport by Brooks on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers. Brooks writes that Gillmore makes use of, and acknowledges, the value of the uses of Volunteer Engineers in this war, and discusses operations that the engineers have been employed in.
Report by Brooks, on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers, page 2National Park ServiceReport by Brooks on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers. Brooks writes that Gillmore makes use of, and acknowledges, the value of the uses of Volunteer Engineers in this war, and discusses operations that the engineers have been employed in.
Report by Brooks, on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers, page 3National Park ServiceReport by Brooks on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers. Brooks writes that Gillmore makes use of, and acknowledges, the value of the uses of Volunteer Engineers in this war, and discusses operations that the engineers have been employed in.
Report by Brooks, on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers, page 4National Park ServiceReport by Brooks on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers. Brooks writes that Gillmore makes use of, and acknowledges, the value of the uses of Volunteer Engineers in this war, and discusses operations that the engineers have been employed in.
Report by Crane, on Rebel firing at Fort Wagner, December 15 1863National Park ServiceReport by Crane on the amount of Rebel firing on working parties in front of Fort Wagner. Crane writes that the fire upon the fatigue parties was sometimes more, at other times less.
Report by Crane, on Rebel firing at Fort Wagner, December 15 1863National Park ServiceReport by Crane on the amount of Rebel firing on working parties in front of Fort Wagner. Crane writes that the fire upon the fatigue parties was sometimes more, at other times less.
Report by Crane, on Rebel firing at Fort Wagner, December 15 1863National Park ServiceReport by Crane on the amount of Rebel firing on working parties in front of Fort Wagner. Crane writes that the fire upon the fatigue parties was sometimes more, at other times less.
Report on gun manufactured at the West Point Foundary in 1862 by Robert P. ParrottNational Park ServiceReport on gun manufactured at the West Point Foundary in 1862 by Robert P. Parrott, with blank spaces where information on weight, number of rounds fired, and distances fired would be filled in. States that several shells burst prematurely.