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Duplicate Harpers Ferry National Historical Park
Duplicate Harpers Ferry National Historical Park
Shops along street Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Circa 1978
Old shops and restaurants Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Circa 1985
People gathered around store desk Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Circa 1990
French Quarter shops Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Rab-Dab Clothing and Gifts Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Storefronts by canal Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
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Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Chalmette Strip Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Yellowstone photo album 14A, page 8 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 14A, page 6 Yellowstone National Park
Building 35, Old Master Armorer's House Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Exterior bldg. 35, two views, No negative, 5x7 b/w print.
Hasney's Food Mart Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Interior, building 35, Old Master Armorer's House Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Interior building 35, No negative, 5x7 print, b/w. two views.
Interior, building 35, Old Master Armorer's House Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Interior building 35, No negative, 5x7 print, b/w. two views.
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Building 35, Old Master Armorer's House Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Exterior bldg. 35, two views, No negative, 5x7 b/w print.
Yellowstone photo album 14, page 78 Yellowstone National Park
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Opposite Corner of Bourbon Street Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Bourbon St. Front Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Bourbon St. Front Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Opposite Corner of Bourbon Street Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Opposite Corner of Bourbon Street Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Tremont Store building addition next to train tracks Great Smoky Mountains National Park Portion of building that stood in between tracks. This is an addition or extra room,Tremont Store, III-L-17606
Yellowstone photo album 22, page 14 Yellowstone National Park
Mac McCarter's Basket Making Shop. Gatlinburg. Basket Making, 1937 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Mac McCarter's Basket Making Shop. Gatlinburg.Basket Making, III-A-Gen-4448, History - Artifacts - Miscellaneous (Davis pen; chinking; traps; playhouses; gold mining)
Yellowstone photo album 14, page 84 Yellowstone National Park
Souvenir displays inside the gift shop, Flamingo, June 1958 Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up view of souvenir displays inside the gift shop; "Concessionaire gift and souvenir shop interior".
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Visitors in front of tailor shop, building 33, Ranger Station Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Right window 1770's printed bodice and overskirt, linen petticoat, linen shift Left window 1770's wool flannel suit (breeches, waistcoat, coat), linen shirt-cotton stockings, tricorn hat
Jane Birchfield store building, Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the south.Jane Birchfield Store Building CC-4 , Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee, III-B-9 44, History - Buildings
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Building 40, Richards Building Harpers Ferry National Historical Park William Richards Bldg. (bldg. 40). Shenandoah St. Charles W. Snell -for inclus. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3710. See Classification No. Subject: William Richards Bldg. (Bldg. 40). Location: Shenandoah Street. Purpose: Charles W. Snell - for inclusion in Nat'l Register REport. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell. Date: Mar/Apr 1978.
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Detail of porch of store building, Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of porch of store building. View from the soutwest.Jane Birchfield Store Building CC-4 , Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee, III-B-9 43, History - Buildings
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Building 44, Philip Coons Building, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BUILDING 44 (Philip Coons Bldg.) also Masonic Bldg. View taken from across the, street looking at the front. Windows on the first floow have displays of hardware.... Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3497. See Classification No. Subject: BUILDING 44 (Philip Coons Bldg) also Masonic Bldg. View taken from across the street looking at the front. Windows on the first floor have displays of hardware, clothing and a blacksmith shop. Iron balcony between the 1st. and 2nd. floors. Portion of the Catholic Church shows above the roof. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January, 1975.
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Shop on High Street, March 1971 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park WINDOW OF SHOP ON HIGH STREET- Showing window display. Original caption: NHF-3322 Shop on High Street. Number: NHF-3322. Subject or Title: Shop on High St. Negative on File: A.V. files Yes __ No. Location of Pix: Comments: Taken in March 1971 by T. Gray. Dept. of the Interior National Park Service. Photo: Thomas C. Gray.
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Building 40, Richards Building, being used as a ready-made clothing store Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3261. See Classification No. Subject: WILLIAM RICHARDS BUILDING (Bldg. 40) - Beint interpreted as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. Visitors walking by the building with a small boy peeking into the window of the door. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va 25414 (Purchase). Date: August, 1975.
Building 33, Ranger Station, being used as tailor shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park TAILOR SHOP- Bldg. 33. View taken from across the street showing the 1st and , portion of the 2nd floor. Window displays of clothing sewed by the Tailor Shop.... Fiels. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3535. See Classification No. Subject: TAILOR SHOP - BLDG. 33. View taken from across the street showing the 1st. and portion of the 2nd. floor. Window displays of clothing sewed by the Tailor Shop Seamstress. Visitors in front of the bldg. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 40, Richards Building, being used as a ready-made clothing store Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3622. See Classification No. Subject: WILLIAM RICHARDS BUILDING (Bldg. 40) - Being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. Front of the building showing advertising signs on windows and name of owner "Phillip Frankel and Co." above the doorway. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va 25414 (Purchase). Date: August, 1975.
Tailor shop staff Foster and her mother-in-law examining clothes, and Jean Martin at desk, building 33, Ranger Station Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Staff of Harpers Ferry Tailor Shop. Left to right: Hunter at desk, her mmother in law -foster and Jem Martin at desk on right. In Pk. Bldg. 33 -defunct after 1978.
Building 35, Old Master Armorer's House, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDG. 35 (Front) along with Bldg. 34. View shows Bldg. 35 being used as a Dry, Goods Store. Merchandise out front on the sidewalk, sign hanging on the iron balcony.... Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3503 small print and 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: BLDG. 35 (Front) along with Bldg. 34. View shows Bldg. 35 being used as a Dry Goods Store. Merchandise out front on the sidewalk, sign hanging on the iron balcony, between 1st. 2nd. flrs. reading: Hardware, Flour DRY GOODS Groceries Meat. Hitching post along side of Shenandoah Street. Portion of Shenandoah St. in the foreground. Bldg. 34 in view- being used as Recruiting Office. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January, 1975.
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Building 33, Ranger Station, being used as a tailor shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park FRONT OF BLDG. 33-being used as a Tailor Shop (Living History Clothing) One, window has a dress display. Small portion of Shenandoah St. in the foreground. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3504 small print and 8x10 print. See Classification No. Subject: FRONT OF BLDG. 33-being used as a Tailor Shop (Living History Clothing) One window has a dress display. Small portion of Shenandoah St. in the foreground. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January, 1975.
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Jesse Engle checking fresh produce, building 35, Old Master Armorer's House, being used as a general store Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3. See Classification No. Subject: GENERAL STORE (BLDG. 35) FRONT - Seasonal Interpreter, Jeese Engle checking the fresh produce. Visitors standing in front of store, one reading the Train Schedule. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va 25414 (Purchase). Date: August, 1975.
Jesse Engle arranging fresh produce on containers, building 35, Old Master Armorer's House, being used as a general store Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3623. See Classification No. Subject: GENERAL STORE (Bldg. 35) Entrance Area - Seasonal Interpreter, Jesse Engle arranging fresh produce on containers in front of the store. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va 25414 (Purchase). Date: August, 1975.
Building 16, Roeder House, being used as confectionery shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDG. 16- FRONT and PORTION OF THE NORTH END. Bldg being used as a, Confectionary Shop. Close-up view. Shows confectionary signs on the bldg and the.... Corner of High St. and Jones' Alley. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3536. See Classification No. Subject: BLDG. 16 - FRONT and PORTION OF THE NORTH END. Bldg. being used as a Confectionary Shop. Close-up view. Shows confectionary signs on the bldg. and the street light near the north end of the porch. No visitors. Also portions of bldgs. 15, 12-A and 12 are in the view. Location: Corner of High St. and Jones' Alley. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 16, Roeder House, being used as confectionery shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDG. 16- FRONT and NORTH END OF THE BLDG. Bldg being used as a, Confectionary Shop. Portion of High St. and Jones' Alley in the foreground. Street.... Corner of High and Jones' Alley. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3537. See Classification No. Subject: BLDG. 16 - FRONT and NORTH END OF THE BLDG. Bldg. being used as a Confectionary Shop. Portion of HIgh St. and and Jones' Alley in the foreground. Street light near the north end of the porch. Portion of visitor walking up the street. Location: Corner of High and Jones' Alley. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 16, Roeder House, being used as confectionery shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDG. 16- FRONT and NORTH SIDES. Bldg being used as a Confectionary Shop. View, taken from Public Way looking down on the bldg. Portion of bldg. 5, rear of Bldg. 16.... Corner of Jones' Alley and High St. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3538. See Classification No. Subject: BLDG. 16- FRONT and NORTH SIDES. Bldg. being used as a Confectionary Shop. View taken from Public Way looking down on the bldg. Portion of bldg. 5, rear of Bldg. 16. No visitors in view. Location: Corner JOnes' Alley and High St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 35, 34 and 33, Dry Goods Store, Recruiting Office and portion of Taylor Shop Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Dry Goods Store (Bldg. 35), Recruiting Office (Bldg. 34) and portion of Taylor, Shop (Bldg. 33). View taken from rear of the vacant lot between Bldg. 43 and 40. Two visitor. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Color Negative No. NHF-3648 and small print. See Classification No. Subject: DRY GOODS STORE (Bldg. 35), RECRUITING OFFICE (Bldg. 34) and portion of TAILOR SHOP (Bldg. 33). View taken from rear of the vacant lot between Bldg. 43 and 40. Two visitors in front of the bldgs. Dr. Briscoe and ? Mayor Nash on right. Location: South side of Shenandoah Street. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Naomi Hunt, NPS NEWSLETTER editor - taken during the Bicentennial Celebration. Date: 5/76.
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Building 40, Richards Building, being used as a ready-made clothing store, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park INTERIOR OF BLDG. 40. Bldg being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View, shows the east side of the bldg with furnishings and merchandise and three park.... Shenandoah St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3552. See Classification No. Subject: Interior of Bldg. 46. Bldg. being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View shows the east side of the bldg. with furnishings and merchandise and three park visitors talking with Interpreter June Robertson. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 16, Roeder House, being used as confectionery shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDG. 16- NORTH and FRONT OF THE BLDG. Being used as a Confectionary Shop., Visitors walking pass the bldg. Portion of High and Jones' Alley in the view. Corner of Jones' Alley and High St. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3541. See Classification No. Subject: BLDG. 16 - NORTH and FRONT OF THE BLDG. Being used asa Confectionary Shop. Visitors walking pass the bldg. Portions of HIgh and Jones' Alley in the view. Location: Corner of Jones' Alley and High St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 16, Roeder House, being used as confectionery shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park NORTH and FRONT SIDES OF BLDG. 16- Being used as a Confectionary Shop. Portion, of High St. and Jones' Alley in the foreground. Visitors walking up and down High St in.... Corner of Jones' Alley and High St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3539. See Classification No. Subject: NORTH and FRONT SIDES OF BLDG. 16- Being used as a Confectionary Shop. Portion of High St. and Jones' Alley in the foreground. Visitors walking up and down High St. in front of the bldg. Street light near porch. Location: Corner of Jones' Alley and High St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 12, Anderson Building, being used as National Park Service Book Store, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park FRONT OF BLDG. 12. At the corner of High and Shenandoah Sts. Taken from the, intersection of the street. Good view of both south and west side of the bldg.... Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3514. See Classification No. Subject: FRONT OF BLDG. 12. At the corner of High and Shenandoah Sts. Taken from the intersection of the street. Good view of both south and west side of th bldg. Bldg. being used as a National Park Service Book Store. Books displayed in the two south windows. Foreground has portion of High and Shenandoah Sts. plus sidewalks. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January, 1975.
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Building 37, John T. Reily Building, portion of High Street and sidewalk curb in foreground, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park FRONT OF BLDG. 37 (John T. Rieley Bldg.) Bldg being used as an Apothecary (1st, flr only) Windows have "DRUGS" and the transscent above the doorway has "PHARMACY".... Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3501 small print and 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: FRONT OF BLDG. 37 (John T. Rieley Bldg.) Bldg. being used as an Apothecary (1st. flr. only) Windows have "DRUGS" and the transcent above the doorway has "PHARMACY" in gold lettering. Large Mortar hanging on the exterior, above the entrance. Portion of High St. and sidewalk curb in foreground. Small patches of snow on the ground. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January, 1975.
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Visitors looking over items, building 40, Richards Building, being used as a ready-made clothing store, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park INTERIOR OF BLDG. 40. Bldg being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View, shows front portion of the store with furniture and merchandise with two male visitors.... Shenandoah St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3551. See Classification No. Subject: Interior of Bldg. 40. Bldg. being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View shows front portion of the store with furniture and merchandise with two male visitors looking the items over. Bldgs. across Shenandoah St. can be seen thru the windows. Location: Shenadoah St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Two visitors talking with Interpreter June Robertson, building 40, Richards Building, being used as a ready-made clothing store, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park INTERIOR OF BLDG. 40. Bldg being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View, shows the east side of the room with furniture and furnishings and two visitors talking.... Shenandoah St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3553. See Classification No. Subject: Interior of Bldg. 40. Bldg being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View shows the east side of the room with furniture and furnishings and two visitors talking with Interpreter June Robertson. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Interpreter June Robertson petting cat on top of the counter, building 40, Richards Building, being used as a ready-made clothing store, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park INTERIOR BLDG. 40. Bldg being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View of the, northwest corner with counter, shelving, merchandise, clock on the rear wall and.... Shenandoah St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3550. See Classification No. Subject: INTERIOR BLDG. 40. Bldg. being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View of the northwest corner with counter, shelving, merchandise, clock on the rear wall and interpreter June Robertson petting cat on top of the counter. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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