Search Results

Page 31 of at least 63
About 6,200 Items

Building, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Admin Building; 4x6, Buildings
Information boards displayed in museum, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Museum Display; 3.5x5, Exhibits, V.C.
Captain Wirz, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Captain Wirz
Andersonville National Cemetery, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Andersonville 1896-1972; Cemetery
Tree trimming by standing on bulldozer, Andersonville National Historic Site, Andersonville, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Maintenance Projects; 4x7, Projects/Work
Massachusetts Monument, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site New York Monument; 8x10,
Dead soldiers Andersonville National Historic Site Civil War Battles
Drawing of prison camp scene, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Shebangs, Camp Scenes
Raider's graves, Andersonville National Cemetery, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Cemetery 1972 - Present; Raiders Graves
Gate, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Exterior of Administration Building; 8x10, Buildings
Michigan Monument, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Michigan Monument; 8x10
Clara Barton Andersonville National Historic Site Civil War People
Building, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Admin Building; 4x6, Buildings
General Grant Andersonville National Historic Site Grant, Gen. U. S.
Civil War soldier Andersonville National Historic Site Civil War People
Prison site, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Andersonville 1896-1972; Stockade
Historical map, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Diagram, Map of Georgia.
New Jersey Monument, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site New Jersey Monument; 8x10
Plan of the portion of the siege operations against the defense of Charleston Harbor showing the left batteries, Charleston, South Carolina, 1861-1865 National Park Service Siege operations against the defenses of Charleston Harbor showing the left batteries: 1) Batteries erected against fort Wagner prior to July 18th 1863, 2) Part of the breaching batteries erected against Fort Sumter used also against Fort Wagner and Battery Gregg. Section of approaches [illustration of various batteries]. Sketch showing the operations of the Army of the Potomac from Nov. 26 to Dec. 3, 1863. Plan of a portion of the siege operations against the defenses of the Charleston Harbor prior to the capture of Fort Wagner, Sept. 7, 1863.
Illustrations from book 'The Soldier In Our Civil War' [verso] National Park Service Panoramic view of Charleston Harbor - Advance of Ironclads to the attack. Night after the fight - The ironclads at anchor off Fort sumter.
Page of text and illustration [recto] National Park Service Seacoast operations against Charleston-brilliant dash and capture of confederate rifle pits and prisoners by the federal troops on James Island, S.C., February 9th, 1865.
Page of text, 1863 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Text and multiple illustrations, The Soldier in our Civil War [verso] National Park Service Seized by South Carolina authorities, United States Revenue Cutter: Aiken.Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Locations of Forts and Defenses directed against Fort Sumter. The Ordnance Bureau, Charleston, South Carolina,
Page of text, 1864 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
Two illustrations [recto] National Park Service The confederate steamer Anglia captured off Bull 's Bay, twenty-five miles from Charleston, S.C., by the U.S.:.gunboats R. estless:.and: Flag, Sunday, October 19, 1862. .The federal artillery taking position at the Battle of South Mountain.
Remains of flag National Park Service
Women and children taking shelter during the Battle of Antietam [verso] National Park Service Woman and children of Sharpsburg, MD., taking refuge in the cellar of the Kretzer Mansion, during the battle of Antietam. Bursting of a shell in the window of the cellar.
Page of text and illustrations [recto] National Park Service Rufus King. Captain Knapp 's battery engaging the confederates at the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Auguast 9th, 1862.
Louis Wigfall National Park Service

Page 31 of at least 63
About 6,200 Items

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University