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Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, with illustration, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Cutting down the U.S. flagstaff, under the direction of Major Anderson, at Fort Moultire, Charleston Harbor, S.C. on Christmas Night, 1860.
Multiple illustrations, Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper [recto] National Park Service Christmas night, Fort Moultrie evacuation by Major Anderson, South Carolina. Steamship with reinforcements for Major Anderson, Fort Sumter, South Carolina.
Evacuation of Fort Moultrie on Christmas Night, South Carolina, 1861 National Park Service Evacuation of Fort Moultrie by Major Anderson and the United States troops, on Christmas Night, 1860-The troops conveying powder and other stores in sloops in.
Page of text, 1861 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
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Text and multiple illustrations in Harper's Weekly, 1861 [verso] National Park Service The steamship "Star of the West". The steamship "MArion", seized by the State of South Carolina to be covered into a man of war.
Fort Sumter, South Carolina, 1861 National Park Service Fort Sumter, seen from the rear, at low water.
Scene on the arrival of Lieutenant Hall at The Executive Mansion, Charleston, South Carolina, 1861 [verso] National Park Service Scene on the arrival of Lieutenant Hall, U.S.A., with despatches from Major Anderson for Governor Pickens, at the executive mansion, Charleston, S.C., immediately after the firing on The Star of the West From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Page of text, 1861 [recto] National Park Service From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Page of text, 1861 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
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Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, with illustration of raising The Stars and Stripes at Fort Sumter, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Impressive scene at Fort Sumter, on Dec. 27, 1860, when The Stars and Stripes were raised-the chaplain invoking a blessing while Major Anderson was hositing the standard.
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Page of text, 1861 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
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Two illustrations and text, 1861 [recto] National Park Service The great cannons in Fort Moultire. Interior of Fort Moultrie, in Charleston Harbor, S.C. Now in possession of the authorities of South Carolina-the secession flag flying From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, with text and illustrations, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Major Robert Anderson, U.S.A., in command of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
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Multiple illustrations on Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1861 [verso] National Park Service (Top) Lieutenant Hall bearing a truce flag from Major Anderson in Fort Sumter to Governer Pickens, immedialtely after the firing upon the Star of the West, Mercury Office, Charleston. (Bottom-left) Paul H. Hall, Poet and Litterateur, Aide-De-Camp to Governer of South Carolina (Bottom-Right) Lieutenant Hall, bearer of dispatches from Major Anderson
Page of text, 1861 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
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A ten-inch Columbiad mounted as a mortar at Fort Sumter, 1861 National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Two illustrations, 1861 [verso] National Park Service Officers ' quarters at Fort Sumter. Good-by to Sumter
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General McGowan making address at the Charleston Hotel, 1861 [recto] National Park Service General McGowan addressing the Abbeville Volunteers in front of the Charleston Hotel From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Page of text, 1861 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
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Page of text, 1861 [recto] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Front page of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper with text and couple of illustrations, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Portrait of Col. Rhett, Editor of The Charleston Mercury. The Walter Battery on Sullivans Island, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
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Text and two illustrations in The Illustrated London News, 1861 [verso] National Park Service Gun-boat just built by Messrs. Rennie for the Emperor of Russia. Fort Moultrie, Secession flag flying in the Fort.
Text and two illustrations in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1861 [recto] National Park Service The Richland Rifles enjoying the after-dinner hour, at their quarters on Sullivans Island, Charleston Harbor, SC. Moonlight scene on Sullivan 's Island, South Carolina.
Page of text, 1861 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Front page of Harper's Weekly with a group portrait of nine officers, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Captain T. Seymour, 1st Lieut. G.W.Snyder, 1st Lt. J.C.Davis, 2nd Lt. R.K.Meade, 1st Lt. T.Talbot. Captain A.D *bleday, Major R.Anderson, Assistant Surgent S.W.Crawford, Capt. J.G.Foster.
Front page of Harper's Weekly with a group portrait of nine officers, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Captain T. Seymour, 1st Lieut. G.W.Snyder, 1st Lt. J.C.Davis, 2nd Lt. R.K.Meade, 1st Lt. T.Talbot. Captain A.D *bleday, Major R.Anderson, Assistant Surgent S.W.Crawford, Capt. J.G.Foster.
Text and illustration, Pictorial History of the War, 1861 [verso] National Park Service Troops movement for the south, Canal Street, New York, 1861
Bombardment of Fort Sumter, 1861 National Park Service
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Bombardment by Confederate States, Fort Sumter, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Illustrations form: Harpers Pictorial History of the Civil War.
Front page of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper with multiple illustrations and text, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Firing at the Schooner Shannon, laden with ice, from battery on Morris Island, South Carolina. Boat from Fort Sumter arriving at Cummings Point with a flag of Truce, Morris Island, South Carolina.
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Page of text, 1861 [recto] National Park Service From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
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Page of text, 1861 [recto] National Park Service From publication: The Illustrated London News.
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Guns bearing on Fort Moultrie and The Channel from Fort Sumter, 1861 [recto] National Park Service From The Illustrated London News.
Major Anderson, Late Commandant of Fort Sumter, Charleston, South Carolina, 1861 [verso] National Park Service From publication: The Illustrated London News.
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Page of text, 1861 [recto] National Park Service From publication: The Illustrated London News.
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Multiple illustrations of activity on the Ohio Levee and at Cairo, Illinois, 1861 [verso] National Park Service Batteries on the Ohio Levee at Cairo.:Battery on the Ohio Levee, used for ordering steamers to.:Landing of the seventh and twelfth regiments at Cairo, June 4, 1861. From pulbication: Harper 's Weekly.
Our Army on the Potomac, 1861 [recto] National Park Service From publication Harper 's Weekly.
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Letter, 1861 October 26, Serrell to Brooks National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Serrell, stating that sentinels will be ordered to challenge boats approaching the ship and not allow any person on board without orders.
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Letter, 1861 November 14, F. Brown to Brooks, page 2 National Park Service Letter to Brooks from F. Brown in Sloatsburg, NY regarding Brown's pleasure at the results of the naval expedition which began at Fortress Monroe some weeks ago.  Brown provides news from his town, including that of a great storm.
Letter, 1861 November 14, F. Brown to Brooks, page 1 National Park Service Letter to Brooks from F. Brown in Sloatsburg, NY regarding Brown's pleasure at the results of the naval expedition which began at Fortress Monroe some weeks ago.  Brown provides news from his town, including that of a great storm.
Letter, 1861 November 14, F. Brown to Brooks, page 4 National Park Service Letter to Brooks from F. Brown in Sloatsburg, NY regarding Brown's pleasure at the results of the naval expedition which began at Fortress Monroe some weeks ago.  Brown provides news from his town, including that of a great storm.
Letter, 1861 November 14, F. Brown to Brooks, page 3 National Park Service Letter to Brooks from F. Brown in Sloatsburg, NY regarding Brown's pleasure at the results of the naval expedition which began at Fortress Monroe some weeks ago.  Brown provides news from his town, including that of a great storm.
Illustration and text in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Illustration of 'Meeting street ' showing St. Michael 's church, Circular church, and the South Carolina Club House, Charleston, South Carolina
Map of Fort Royal, Beaufort and vicinity from Bull's Bay, South Carolina[verso] National Park Service Illustration from Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Multiple illustrations in Harper's Weekly, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Burial place of those killed at Hilton Head. The new Light Ship off Marlins Industry, entrance of Port Royal Harbor. The Stone fleet on its way to the southern coast.
Multiple illustrations in Harper's Weekly, 1861 [verso] National Park Service Fort Corcoran, Arlington heights, Virginia. The village Lewinsville, Virginia, now occupied by United States troops. Professor Lowe making a balloon ascension on a reconnoitring expedition to Vienna.
Page of text with multiple illustrations of Charleston, South Carolina, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Birdseye-view of Charleston, South Carolina. Group of banks, Charleston South Carolina. Circular Church and South Carolina Institute. Roman Catholic Cathedral. Hibernian Hall, Charleston, South Carolina. St. Andrews Hall, Charleston, South Carolina From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
Two illustrations and text [verso] National Park Service Infantry charge, and rout of the confederates. During the passage of the Potomac by the Federal troops from Maryland, a streets in Harper 's ferry, Virginia.
Report on gun manufactured at the West Point Foundary in 1862 by Robert P. Parrott National Park Service Report on gun manufactured at the West Point Foundary in 1862 by Robert P. Parrott, with blank spaces where information on weight, number of rounds fired, and distances fired would be filled in. States that several shells burst prematurely.
Page of text, 1862 [recto] National Park Service From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
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Military letters, March 1862 National Park Service
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Military letters, March 1862 National Park Service
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Military letters, March 1862 National Park Service
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About 6,200 Items

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