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Page 192 National Park Service
Brooks to Crane and Chandler, instructions to clear sap of all obstacles, August 24 1863 National Park Service Instructions sent to Crane and Chandler by order of Brooks, that they will twice in each turn of duty examine the whole line of trenches from the 1st Parallel to the Head of the Sap, clearing it of all obstacles. Brooks also writes that obstructions put in by the Guard must be removed by them, or their refusal to do so reported.
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Page 204 National Park Service
Letter, 1863 August 26, Walker to Brooks, recommending another sap roller National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Walker, suggesting that another sap roller be immediately got up to the 4th parallel, and that another sap be started on the higher grounds to the right. Walker states that this can be done as to make a decided advance, and will not interfere with the firing of mortars upon the enemy's rifle pits.
Page 211 National Park Service
Letter, 1863 August 26, Walker to Brooks, recommending another sap roller National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Walker, suggesting that another sap roller be immediately got up to the 4th parallel, and that another sap be started on the higher grounds to the right. Walker states that this can be done as to make a decided advance, and will not interfere with the firing of mortars upon the enemy's rifle pits.
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Engineer's Office Head Quarters U.S. Forces Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park Report to Captain Brooks regarding discharges and detail
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Page 222 National Park Service
Letter, 1863 August 28, Barnard to Brooks, regarding maps of Charleston Harbor National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Barnard stating that Barnard is aware that copies of a chart of Charleston Harbor sent to Brooks previously must be erroneous. Barnard writes that it is necessary to issue a new edition of this map, and would be greatly gratified to receive some suggestions from Brooks for its improvement.
Letter, 1863 August 28, Brooks to Gilmore National Park Service Letter to Gillmore from Brooks requesting that the Battery of 4-8" Mortars now in the right of the 3rd Parallel be moved forward to the 2nd Parallel. Brooks also recommends that field guns be placed in Battery in the 5th Parallel. A response from Gillmore, dated 1863-08-28, is included, stating that positions will be prepared for the 8" mortar & two field pieces in the 5th parallel, but they will not be placed there until further orders.
Letter, 1863 August 28, Brooks to Gilmore National Park Service Letter to Gillmore from Brooks requesting that the Battery of 4-8" Mortars now in the right of the 3rd Parallel be moved forward to the 2nd Parallel. Brooks also recommends that field guns be placed in Battery in the 5th Parallel. A response from Gillmore, dated 1863-08-28, is included, stating that positions will be prepared for the 8" mortar & two field pieces in the 5th parallel, but they will not be placed there until further orders.
Page 218 National Park Service
Letter, 1863 August 28, Suess to Brooks, on connecting saps and trenches National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Suess recommending to connect all the ends of saps and trenches abutting on the beach by a trench, which would be furnished with a double parapet. This is because of increased apprehension of a flanking attack upon the right by way of the beach. Suess writes that he thinks the work could be performed at night.
Letter, 1863 August 28, Barnard to Brooks, regarding maps of Charleston Harbor National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Barnard stating that Barnard is aware that copies of a chart of Charleston Harbor sent to Brooks previously must be erroneous. Barnard writes that it is necessary to issue a new edition of this map, and would be greatly gratified to receive some suggestions from Brooks for its improvement.
Sketch and plan of direct communication with the front along the beach National Park Service Suess' sketch and written description of the plan of forming a direct communication along and parallel to the beach, connecting forward lines. Includes detailed drawing of trenches, 4th and 5th Parallels.
Page 220 National Park Service
Letter, 1863 August 28, Brooks to Gilmore National Park Service Letter to Gillmore from Brooks requesting that the Battery of 4-8" Mortars now in the right of the 3rd Parallel be moved forward to the 2nd Parallel. Brooks also recommends that field guns be placed in Battery in the 5th Parallel. A response from Gillmore, dated 1863-08-28, is included, stating that positions will be prepared for the 8" mortar & two field pieces in the 5th parallel, but they will not be placed there until further orders.
Letter, 1863 August 28, Brooks to Gilmore National Park Service Letter to Gillmore from Brooks requesting that the Battery of 4-8" Mortars now in the right of the 3rd Parallel be moved forward to the 2nd Parallel. Brooks also recommends that field guns be placed in Battery in the 5th Parallel. A response from Gillmore, dated 1863-08-28, is included, stating that positions will be prepared for the 8" mortar & two field pieces in the 5th parallel, but they will not be placed there until further orders.
Sketch and plan of direct communication with the front along the beach National Park Service Suess' sketch and written description of the plan of forming a direct communication along and parallel to the beach, connecting forward lines. Includes detailed drawing of trenches, 4th and 5th Parallels.
Letter, 1863 August 28, Suess to Brooks, on connecting saps and trenches National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Suess recommending to connect all the ends of saps and trenches abutting on the beach by a trench, which would be furnished with a double parapet. This is because of increased apprehension of a flanking attack upon the right by way of the beach. Suess writes that he thinks the work could be performed at night.
Letter, 1863 August 28, Brooks to Gilmore National Park Service Letter to Gillmore from Brooks requesting that the Battery of 4-8" Mortars now in the right of the 3rd Parallel be moved forward to the 2nd Parallel. Brooks also recommends that field guns be placed in Battery in the 5th Parallel. A response from Gillmore, dated 1863-08-28, is included, stating that positions will be prepared for the 8" mortar & two field pieces in the 5th parallel, but they will not be placed there until further orders.
Page 221 National Park Service
Sketch and plan of direct communication with the front along the beach National Park Service Suess' sketch and written description of the plan of forming a direct communication along and parallel to the beach, connecting forward lines. Includes detailed drawing of trenches, 4th and 5th Parallels.
Letter, 1863 August 28, Barnard to Brooks, regarding maps of Charleston Harbor National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Barnard stating that Barnard is aware that copies of a chart of Charleston Harbor sent to Brooks previously must be erroneous. Barnard writes that it is necessary to issue a new edition of this map, and would be greatly gratified to receive some suggestions from Brooks for its improvement.
Multiple illustrations in Harper's Weekly, 1863 [verso] National Park Service (Clock-wise) The Iron-clad "Catskill" sinking a blockade runner under Sumter 's guns. Union sharp shooters in front of Fort Wagner, Charleston, South Carolina. Bombardment of Fort Wagner, Charleston, South Carolina. Exchange of prisoners under a flag of truce, Charleston.
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Page 226 National Park Service
Letter, 1863 August 29, unknown to Brooks, regarding a plan for Forts Gregg and Wagner National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Unknown, regarding a plan for Forts Gregg and Wagner. Fort Johnson is also mentioned.
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Table of Volunteers, August 31 1863 National Park Service
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Page 239 National Park Service
Dr. Grant and his calcium light lighting up Fort Wagner, sketch National Park Service Sketch of Dr. Grant and his calcium light lighting up Fort Wagner. Possibly by Thomas Benton (T.B.) Brooks.
Front of envelope, containing papers relating to Fort Wagner National Park Service Front of envelope containing the words, "Papers relating to Fort Wagner its capture, assault, etc." Possibly by Thomas Benton (T.B.) Brooks.
Dr. Grant and his calcium light lighting up Fort Wagner, sketch National Park Service Sketch of Dr. Grant and his calcium light lighting up Fort Wagner. Possibly by Thomas Benton (T.B.) Brooks.
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Multiple illustrations, 1863 [recto] National Park Service The mortar schooners and wooden gun-boats bombarding Fort Wagner and Battery Gregg. Ruins of light-house at the inlet, destroyed by the rebels. Examining passes on the beach, Morris Island. The Grand Guard marching to, and negro fatigue-party returning from, the trenches in front of Wagner From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
Page of text, 1863 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Page 247 National Park Service
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Page 248 National Park Service
Lists of guns at Fort Wagner, September 7 1863 National Park Service Lists of guns at Fort Wagner and at Fort Gregg, including Howitzers, Sea Coast Mortars, Coehorns, etc. Possibly by Thomas Benton (T.B.) Brooks.
Page 250 National Park Service End of Second battle of Fort Wagner.
List of guns at Fort Wagner, September 7 1863 National Park Service Lists of guns at Fort Wagner and at Fort Gregg, including Howitzers, Sea Coast Mortars, Coehorns, etc. Possibly by Thomas Benton (T.B.) Brooks.
Page 251 National Park Service End of Second battle of Fort Wagner.
Report from G. B. Daudy to Major Brooks, Morris Island (S.C), 1863 September 11 Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park Report from G. B. Daudy to Major Brooks about his regiment and numbers killed and wounded in battle.
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Report from James Ranalen to Major Brooks, Morris Island (S.C), 1863 September 11 Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park Report from James Ranalen to Major Brooks about his regiment, the condition of his troops, and recent casualties.
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Page of text, 1863 [verso] National Park Service From publication Harper 's Weekly.
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Two illustrations, 1863 [verso] National Park Service Bombardment of Fort Sumter-the fleet engaging batteries Wagner and Gregg. Rebel intrechments on James Island, South Carolina From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Page of text, 1863 [recto] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Views showing demolition by General Gillmore, Fort Sumter, South Carolina, 1863 [recto] National Park Service Multiple illustrations from: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper, 1863.
Letter, 1863 September 12, Captain F. H. Cruso to Brooks [Verso] National Park Service Letter to Brooks from F.H. Cruso regarding furnishing paddles according to Lt. Baldwin's drawing, and regarding Cruso's application for additional men.
Letter, 1863 September 12, Captain F. H. Cruso to Brooks [Recto] National Park Service Letter to Brooks from F.H. Cruso regarding furnishing paddles according to Lt. Baldwin's drawing, and regarding Cruso's application for additional men.
Report to Major Brooks from Edward Campbell, Morris Island (S.C.), 1863 September 12 Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park Report to Major Brooks from Edward Campbell about casualties in his regiment while guarding the forward trenches.
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Letter, 1863 September 13, Shaw to Brooks, regarding the condition of platforms and embrasures in his battery National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Shaw regarding the durability of the platforms and embrasures in the Battery of the 30 Pdr Parrotts under his command. Shaw reports that the platforms and embrasures remain in nearly as good condition as when first put down.
Letter, 1863 September 13, Shaw to Brooks, regarding the condition of platforms and embrasures in his battery National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Shaw regarding the durability of the platforms and embrasures in the Battery of the 30 Pdr Parrotts under his command. Shaw reports that the platforms and embrasures remain in nearly as good condition as when first put down.
Letter, 1863 September 14, Dalrymple to Brooks, regarding facts obtained from a wounded Major National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Dalrymple regarding facts Dalrymple obtained from a wounded Major on board Steamer Cosmopolitan. These facts relate to Fort Wagner's construction and Engineers. Dalrymple writes that if Brooks calls and sees the Major, Brooks will gain valuable information in regard to Forts Wagner and Gregg.
Letter, 1863 September 14, Dalrymple to Brooks, regarding facts obtained from a wounded Major National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Dalrymple regarding facts Dalrymple obtained from a wounded Major on board Steamer Cosmopolitan. These facts relate to Fort Wagner's construction and Engineers. Dalrymple writes that if Brooks calls and sees the Major, Brooks will gain valuable information in regard to Forts Wagner and Gregg.
Letter, 1863 September 14, Dalrymple to Brooks, regarding facts obtained from a wounded Major National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Dalrymple regarding facts Dalrymple obtained from a wounded Major on board Steamer Cosmopolitan. These facts relate to Fort Wagner's construction and Engineers. Dalrymple writes that if Brooks calls and sees the Major, Brooks will gain valuable information in regard to Forts Wagner and Gregg.
Letter, 1863 September 15, Caldwell? to Brooks National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Caldwell? giving Brooks authorization to purchase howitzers, boats, and equipment to organize boat infantry. Possibly by Caldwell.
Letter, 1863 September 15, Baldwin to Major Brooks [Verso] National Park Service Letter to Brooks from Baldwin, reporting results of Baldwin's experiments with the boat and oars constructed at the Engineer Depot.  Baldwin reports that the 1000 pound boat can be carried with difficulty by twenty men.
Letter, 1863 September 15, Brooks to Gilmore, regarding maps [Verso] National Park Service Letter to Gillmore from Brooks in response to Gillmore's request that Brooks submit a list of maps necessary for a report on the military operations against the Defenses of Charleston Harbor. The list includes a general map of the whole field of operations, as well as siege operations and Batteries on several islands, with the desired scales. Brooks also recommends several men to assist in this work.

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