Letter of transmittal to Brooks from Lt. Baldwin [Recto]National Park ServiceLetter of Transmittal to Brooks from Lt. Baldwin regarding Gabions and Sap-Rollers, stating that the weights and dimensions reported were approximately correct, and were ascertained by experiment.
Letter of transmittal to Brooks from Lt. Baldwin [Verso]National Park ServiceLetter of Transmittal to Brooks from Lt. Baldwin regarding Gabions and Sap-Rollers, stating that the weights and dimensions reported were approximately correct, and were ascertained by experiment.
Letter to Brooks from Baldwin on the material and sewing of sand bagsNational Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Baldwin reporting that gunny cloth was used to make the sand-bags used in seige operations, and that the bags were sewn with cotton twine. He reports sand bags are now sewn using a lock-stitch, which retains its hold.
Letter to Brooks from Baldwin on the material and sewing of sand bagsNational Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Baldwin reporting that gunny cloth was used to make the sand-bags used in seige operations, and that the bags were sewn with cotton twine. He reports sand bags are now sewn using a lock-stitch, which retains its hold.
Letter to Brooks from Parrott West Point Foundry, N.Y. [Recto]National Park ServiceLetter to Major Brooks from R. P. Parrott of the West Point Foundry, N.Y., in response to communications previously sent by Major Brooks, regarding the bursting of the 100 pdrs. Numbers from the 200 Pdr guns are requested.
Letter to Brooks from Parrott West Point Foundry, N.Y. [Verso]National Park ServiceLetter to Major Brooks from R. P. Parrott of the West Point Foundry, N.Y., in response to communications previously sent by Major Brooks, regarding the bursting of the 100 pdrs. Numbers from the 200 Pdr guns are requested.
Letter to Major Brooks from MuellerNational Park ServiceLetter to Major Brooks from Mueller at Fort Pulaski answering questions asked by Major Brooks in a previous letter about troops, work, and enemy fire during a siege.
Letter to Major Brooks from MuellerNational Park ServiceLetter to Major Brooks from Mueller at Fort Pulaski answering questions asked by Major Brooks in a previous letter about troops, work, and enemy fire during a siege.
Letter to Major Brooks from MuellerNational Park ServiceLetter to Major Brooks from Mueller at Fort Pulaski answering questions asked by Major Brooks in a previous letter about troops, work, and enemy fire during a siege.
Letter to Major Brooks from MuellerNational Park ServiceLetter to Major Brooks from Mueller at Fort Pulaski answering questions asked by Major Brooks in a previous letter about troops, work, and enemy fire during a siege.