Tree Islands in Everglades Landscapes: Current Status, Historical Changes, and Hydrologic Impacts on Population Dynamics and Moisture Relations, First Annual ReportItem Details
CreatorMichael Ross; Steve Oberbauer; Pablo Ruiz; Nilesh Timilsina; Daniel Gomez; Jay Sah; Susanna Stofella; Leonel Sternberg
Date Created
Descriptive InformationTree islands are a prominent feature in the Ridge and Slough landscape of the
Everglades, where they have undergone extensive damage from drought, fire and extreme
flooding. They are also prevalent in the short-hydroperiod prairies, where they have been
adversely impacted by fire and encroaching exotic plants. Changes in water management
associated with hydrologic restoration will result in changes in the internal water
economy of tree islands, as well as their risk of fire, which in turn will lead to changes in
plant function and species composition. It is therefore important to understand how
restoration translates into impacts in these unique ecosystems.
Physical Descriptions
Contributing Institutions
Held By FIU
Hosted By Florida International University
Link to Complete Objecthttp://dpanther.fiu.edu/dpService/dpPurlService/purl/FI14040705/00001
Permanent Linkhttp://purl.clemson.edu/98E1CEA32AAC218234781B1E19B9E0EB
Batch ID20200403194624
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