Yellowstone photo album 6B, page 40
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL 192943-93 Ribes Eradication. Nursery Area. June 1936. George Haas. 9304-1; YELL 192943-94 Infested Douglas Fir tree after being felled and limbed. Nov. 1937. Walker. 15148-1; YELL 192943-95 Felling Douglas Fir Beetle infested tree. Nov. 1932. Walker. 15146-; YELL 21149 Burning pile of Douglas Fir beetle logs. Nov. 1937. Walker. 15148-4; YELL 21149 Piled Douglas Fir trees for burning. Nov. 1937. Walker. 15147-3; YELL 21149 C.C.C's piling up Douglas Fir beetle trees. Nov. 1937. Walker. 15148-3; YELL 192943-96 Douglas Fir beetle infested trees ready for pilling and burning. Nov. 1937. Walker. 15147-4; YELL 192943-97 Peeled stump Douglas Fir Beetle control. Nov. 1937. Walker. 15147-1; YELL 192943-98 Felling Douglas Fir Beetle infested tree. Nov. 1937. Walker. 15146-6.
TopicsYellowstone National Park
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.)
Insect pests
Forest insects--Control
Tree felling
Douglas fir
Forests and forestry
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.)
Insect pests
Forest insects--Control
Tree felling
Douglas fir
Forests and forestry
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_6B_040
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160730133548