Yellowstone photo album 21, page 33
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL32393 Filing E.C.W. Negatives and Prints 1/20/35 C.C.C. L. Howard Mammoth Museum Crowe 14204-1; YELL199116-20 Mounting Herbarium Specimens C.C.C. H. Aldridge and E. Nichols Mammoth Museum 1/20/35 Crowe 14204-2; YELL199116-21 Photographing Elk heads at laboratory C.C.C. E. Nichols Mammoth 2/21/35 Mills 14221-4; YELL199116-22 Working in the Dark Room-C.C.C.'s E. Nichols, A. Beckstead. Mammoth 2/21/35 Crowe 14221-3; YELL32308 C.C.C.-E. Nichols assinged to photographic work. Mammoth 2/21/35 Crowe 14221-5; YELL32308 C.C.C.-E. Nichols assigned to photographic work Mammoth 2/21/35 Crowe 14221-6
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_21_033
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160803121357