Yellowstone photo album 16, page 64
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL27248 Barney and his afternoon repast -- Yeager, May 1931. 10029-6; YELL194536-211 Barney learning to climb. Yeager, May 1931. 10029-4; YELL15708 Barney at the back door. Yeager, May 1931. 10029-3; YELL194536-212 Barney climbing back door. Yeager, May 1931. 10029-7; YELL194536-213 Barney and his afternoon repast -- Yeager, may 1931. 10029-5; YELL27256 Bear. 7-7-31, Yellowstone River. Swimming (Canyon) - Wm. Wiggins. 13,025-1; YELL194536-214 Bear and two cubs swimming in Yellowstone Lake. September 1932. Miller. 9264-4; YELL194536-215 Bear and two cubs swimming in Yellowstone Lake. September 1932. Miller. 9264-3
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_16_069
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160802121821