Yellowstone photo album 13a, page 71
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL 22412/YELL 39875 Engineer Camp at Trout Creek. Between Lake and Canyon. August 1913. 1409; YELL 22411/YELL 39863 Flynn's Camp. 6 mi. from West Line. 1408; YELL 22404/YELL 39868 Flynn's Camp and Crew. 1401; YELL 22407/YELL 39865 Henderson Camp. 6 mi. from West Entrance. 1404; YELL 22413/YELL 39874 Engineer Camp at Madison Bridge. North Boundary to West Boundary. Aug. 1913. 1410.
LocationsYellowstone National Park, Park County, Wyoming, United States(44.59644,-110.5472)
Trout Creek, Park County, Wyoming, United States(44.47884,-109.3446)
Trout Creek, Park County, Wyoming, United States(44.47884,-109.3446)
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_13A_071
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160801191720