Yellowstone photo album 16, page 56
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL27238 Cub Bear Falling Out of Tree, Behind Old Paint Shop (Mammoth), April 7, 1931. 8139-3; YELL194536-187 CUB BEAR FALLING OUT OF TREE --Yeager April 9, 1931. 8139-4; YELL27227 Cub Bear at Phone, Back Old Paint Shop (Mammoth) April 7, 1931. 8137-4; YELL194536-188 2 Mos. Cub Bear on Tree, Behind Old Paint Shop, (Mammoth) April 7, 1931. 8138-3; YELL27238 2 Mos. Cub Bear on Stump, Behind Old Paint Shop, (Mammoth) April 7, 1931. 8138-2; YELL194536-189 2 Mos. Cub Bear on Stump, Behind Old Paint Shop, (Mammoth) April 7, 1931. 8138-4; YELL194536-190 2 Mos. Cub Bear on Stump, Behind Old Paint Shop, (Mammoth) April 7, 1931. 8138-5; YELL27238 2 Mos. Cub Bear on Stump, Behind Old Paint Shop, (Mammoth) April 7, 1931. 8139-1;
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_16_061
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160802121821