Yellowstone photo album 31, page 126
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL185334-653 Project 527. Madison Old Faithful section. Tractor and disc narrow flattening windrow of dry material to recieve oil. 1930. 11030-2; YELL185334-654 Project 527. Madision Old Faithful section. First operation mixing behind distributor with disc harrow. 1930. 11029-6; YELL185334-655 Project 527. Madison Old Faithful section. End grader throwing last roll of oiled material to side of road. 1930. 11032-1; YELL185334-656 Project 527. Madison Old Faithful section. Final spreading of treated material. 1930. 11032-10; YELL185334-657 Project #527. Spreas-Well road planer and scarifer tearing up old oiled road on Canyon-Lake section. This and the ten following views represent the successive stages in a road mix oil job. 1931. 11062-5; YELL185334-658 Prjoect #527. Windrowing loosened material. Canyon-Lake section. 1931. 11063-4
TopicsYellowstone National Park
Roads--Design and construction
Construction equipment
Road materials
Oiled roads
Forests and forestry
Roads--Design and construction
Construction equipment
Road materials
Oiled roads
Forests and forestry
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_31_126
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160804183336