Yellowstone photo album 16, page 62
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL27240 Bear cub in tree, Community House yard, Mammoth. Aug. 22, 1931. Joffe. 8161-1; YELL194536-203 Bear cub in front of Community House, Mammoth. Aug. 22, 1931. Joffe. 8161-6; YELL194536-204 Bear cub in Community House yard, Mammoth. Aug. 22, 1931. Joffe. 8161-3; YELL27242 Bear cub in front of Community House, Mammoth. Aug. 22, 1931. Joffe. 8161-5; YELL194536-205 Bear cub in garbage can back of Allen's house. Mammoth. Aug. 22, 1931. Joffe. 8160-3; YELL194536-206 Bear cubs beside Robinson's house. Mammoth. Aug. 22, 1931. Joffe. 8160-4; YELL194536-207 Bear cub beside Robinson's house, Mammoth. Aug. 22, 1931. Joffe. 8160-6
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_16_067
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160802121821