Monitoring of Tree Island Conditions in the Southern Everglades: The Effects of Hurricanes and Hydrology on the Status and Population Dynamics of Sixteen Tropical Hardwood Hammock Tree IslandsItem Details
CreatorPablo L. Ruiz; Jay P. Sah; Michael S. Ross; Diana L. Rodriguez; Allison M. Lambert
Date Created
Descriptive InformationAssessing the “performance” of these forested ecosystems, i.e., tropical hardwood hammocks,
requires a better understanding of their reference condition, functioning, and ability to respond to
and recover from periodic stresses (e.g., fire, windstorms, flooding, and/or drought), as well as
their response to landscape level hydrologic modifications and management decisions. With this
as the backdrop, we set forth on a multi-year intensive monitoring and assessment study of
tropical hardwood hammocks within two distinct hydrologic regions in the southern Everglades.
Physical Descriptions
Contributing Institutions
Held By FIU
Hosted By Florida International University
Link to Complete Objecthttp://dpanther.fiu.edu/dpService/dpPurlService/purl/FI14040718/00001
Permanent Linkhttp://purl.clemson.edu/5BA096E52097CC023CAC5C326ADF6FA5
Batch ID20200403194624
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