Yellowstone photo album 14A, page 123
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL193429-162 Hon. J. W. Meldrum, Mather Dedication, Madison Jct. 7-4-32. Miller 9258-2; YELL193429-163 Mather Memorial Dedication left to right: Struthers Burt, Dan Greenbury, Supt. Woodring, John Meldrum. 7-4-32. Miller 9258-3; YELL32745 Mather Memorial Dedication: left to right, Supt. Toll, E. V. Robertson, Struthers Burt, Dan Greenburg, Supt. Woodring, John W. Meldrum. July 4, 1932. Madison Jct. Miller. 9258-5; YELL43096 Mather Memorial Dedication: left to right, Supt. Toll, E.V. Robertson, Struthers Burt, Dan Greenburg, Supt. Woodring, John W. Meldrum. July 4, 1932. Madison Jct. Miller. 9258-4;YELL193429-164 Mather Memorial Dedication: left to right, Al. Bicknell; F.D. LaNoue, Geo. Miller, Photographer Grant. July 4, 1932. Madison Jct. Miller 9258-1; YELL193429-165 Mather Memorial Dedication, Madison Jct. July 4, 1932. Miller. 9257-6
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_14a_151
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160802121821