Yellowstone photo album 6A, page 9
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL 34858 Nursery seed beds with Lodgepole & limber Pins. Alpine Fir, Spruce, and Douglas Fir. Game Ranch. Jacobson. 14191-1; YELL 34934 Seed Collecition. Squirrel cache of pine cones. Bisut Basin. 8-7-36. Danecki 14387-6; YELL 185325-6 Nursery seed beds showing 1 year old Douglas Fir. Game Ranch. 6-15-36. Jacobson. 14191-2; YELL34873 Nursery equipment and storage tent. Game Ranch Nursery. 8-4-36. Jacobson. 14363-1; YELL34865 Seed bed sand storage. Game Ranch. 7-28-36. Danecki 14249-8; YELL185325-7 Willow cuttings growing in seed beds. Game Ranch. 6-15-36. Jacobson. 14191-3; YELL34867 Double-discing land. Game Ranch. July 29, 1936. F.J. Danecki. 14259-2; YELL34864 Counting survival of lodge pole pine. Game Ranch Nursery. July 28, 1936. Danecki 14249-7; YELL34935 Seed collection. Picking Choke Cherries for seeds. Reese Creek. 8-11-36. Danecki. 14392-1 / 14392-1; YELL34863 Experimental hot bed for cuttings. Game Ranch Nursery. 7-28-36. Danecki. 14249-6; YELL34935 Collecting sees. Picking choke cherries for seeds. Reese Creek. August 11, 1936. Danecki. 14392-2; YELL34873 Air and soil thermometers at Nursery. Game Ranch. 8-4-36. Jacobson. 14363-2; YELL34866 Equipment. Nursery leveler .Game Ranch. July 28, 1936. Danecki. 14259-1
LocationsYellowstone National Park, Park County, Wyoming, United States(44.59644,-110.5472)
Reese Creek, Park County, Wyoming, United States(45.06605,-110.77188)
Biscuit Basin, Teton County, Wyoming, United States(44.48327,-110.85382)
Reese Creek, Park County, Wyoming, United States(45.06605,-110.77188)
Biscuit Basin, Teton County, Wyoming, United States(44.48327,-110.85382)
TopicsYellowstone National Park
Nurseries (Horticulture)
Planting (Plant culture)
Nurseries--Equipment and supplies
Plant cuttings
Nurseries (Horticulture)
Planting (Plant culture)
Nurseries--Equipment and supplies
Plant cuttings
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_6A_009
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160730133548