Descriptive InformationSmokehouse door at the George H. Caldwell home on Shanty Branch of Cataloochee, 1954: Good, but melting. George Caldwell Smokehouse, Shanty Mountain, Cataloochee, North Carolina; III-B-10,003, History - Buildings;Smokehouse door at the George H. Caldwell home on Shanty Branch of Cataloochee, 1954: Good, but melting.Smokehouse door at the George H. Caldwell home on Shanty Branch of Cataloochee, 1954: Good, but melting. George Caldwell Smokehouse, Shanty Mountain, Cataloochee, North Carolina; III-B-10,003, History - Buildings;Smokehouse door at the George H. Caldwell home on Shanty Branch of Cataloochee, 1954: Good, but melting.George Caldwell Smokehouse, Shanty Mountain, Cataloochee, North Carolina;George Caldwell Smokehouse, Shanty Mountain, Cataloochee, North Carolina, III-B-10,003, History - Buildings;III-B-10,003, History - Buildings