Yellowstone photo album 15, page 150
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL194507-340 Opening roads to remove sick Winter-keeper. Willow Park, April 1937, Elliott 15,118-6; YELL194507-341 Truck in Gardiner River, 12/38. Gardiner. River. - Schweitzer. 14,631-1; YELL194507-342 Skid Marks on G. road 12/38 F.O. 10,605-3; YELL194507-343 Bounce Marks G. road F.O. 12/38 10,605-4; YELL27035-6 Close up 12/38 of truck in river F.O. 10,605-5; YELL27035-4 Truck in G. river 12/38 F.O. 10,605-6; YELL27035-5 View Down 12/38 Stream of G. River F.O. 10,605-8; YELL27035-3 View up Stream of G. river 12/38 F.O. 10,605-7; YELL27009-2 Accidents, ECW Truck #3540, Over Mt. Side, 1935. Near Jardine. - Sheridan. 14,234-5; YELL27009-1 Accidents, ECW Truck #3540, Over Mt. Side, 1935. Near Jardine. -,Sheridan. 14,234-1
LocationsWillow Park, Albany County, Wyoming, United States(41.27719,-106.30196)
Gardiner River, Park County, Wyoming, United States(44.89601,-110.71901)
Gardiner River, Park County, Wyoming, United States(44.89601,-110.71901)
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_15_175
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160802121821