Yellowstone photo album 12, page 27
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL192994-19 Completed Barrow Pit. Capital Hill. 6/25/34. La Noue. 14030-3; YELL32964 Barrow Pit on Capital Hill Before start of sloping. Mammoth. 5/6/34. Ogston. 14031-1; YELL192994-20 Obliteration of Barrow Pit under way. Capitol Hill. 7/13/34. Popham. 14030-4; YELL192994-23 Working on Barrow Pit. Mammoth. Popham. 14031-2; YELL192994-21 Barrow Pit Obliteration. Capital Hill. 7/13/34. Popham. 14030-5; YELL192994-24 Barrow Pit before obliteration. Capital Hill. Mammoth. 5/6/34. Cox. 14031-3; YELL192994-22 Barrow Pit ½ completed. Capital Hill. 6/26/34. La Noue. 14030-6; YELL192994-25 Barrow Pit No. 1 after completion. Mammoth. Popham. 14031-4
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_12_027
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160801191720