Yellowstone photo album 21, page 112
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL29740 Completed stain job on the incinerator, Canyon, 7-30-36, Jacobson 14,346-6; YELL199116-76 Painting roof of Hospital Mammoth, July 28, 1936, Danecki. 14,249-1; YELL30069 Mess House being stained green and brown, Lake, 7-29-36, Jacobson. 14,344-6; YELL29741 Completed stain job on bunk house at Canyon, 7-30-36, Jacobson 14,346-5; YELL30607 Painting chimney and eaves of residence, Mammoth, 7-28-36, Danecki 14,246-2; YELL30071 Bunkhouse being stained with green and brown stain, Lake, 7-29-36, Jacobson 14,344-5; YELL29919 Mess house with completed stain job. Canyon, 7-30-36, Jacobson 14,346-4; YELL199116-76 Staining Lavatory in Auto camp. Mammoth. July 28, 1936. Danecki. 14,249-4; YELL30069 Mess House-completed stain job, Lake, 7-29-36, Jacobson 14,344-8; YELL199116-76 Painting chimney of residence. Mammoth, July 28, 1936, F.J. Danecki 14,246-3; YELL199116-76 Painting roof of Hospital. Mammoth, July 28, 1936 Danecki. 14,249-3; YELL30070 Bunk House being stained green and brown, Lake. 7-29-36, Jacobson 14,344-7; YELL199116-76 Painting roof of Hospital. Mammoth, July 28, 1936, Danecki 14,249-2
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_21_112
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160803121357