Yellowstone photo album 21, page 60
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL31604 Patrol cabin maintenance. 8-13-35 Mary Mountain. Jacobson. 14183-7; YELL31604 Before maintenance work was begun. 8-13-35 Mary Mountain. Jacobson. 14183-6; Completd cabin. (front view) 10-8-35 Cougar Creek. Jacobson. 14272-1; Patrol cabin maintenance. 9-19-35 Cascade Creek. Jacobson. 14199-3; YELL31539 Before work was begun. 8-14-35 Aster Creek. Jacobson. 14186-2; YELL31539 Patrol cabin maintenance. 8-14-35 Aster Creek. Jacobson. 14186-3; YELL31540 After maintenance work was completed. 9-20-35 Aster Creek. Jacobson. 14252-1; YELL31538 Showing shingles used to replace roofing paper. 9-20-35 Aster Creek. Jacobson. 14252-2; YELL31571 Side view of cabin before work was begun. 10-7-35 Crystal Springs. Jacobson. 14270-4; YELL31572 Showing ditch being dug far drain from cellar. 10-7-35 Crystal spring. Jacibsin. 14270-3
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_21_060
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160803121357