Yellowstone photo album 31, page 67
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL185334-335 Condition of road near Blackwater Camp Ground after cloudburst. July 28, 1931. 11096-1; YELL185334-336 Condition of East Forest road near old mill after cloudburst. July 28, 1931. 11096-2; YELL185334-337 Drift piled up in Newton Creek after cloudburst. July 28, 1931. 11096-2; YELL1855334-338 Debris in Moss Creek after cloudburst. July 28, 1931. 11094-6; YELL185334-339 Washout from ice clogged culvert on K. Forest Road near Pahaska. One eleven on the 24 mile section. 1932. 11114-1; YELL185334-340 Slide near Blackwater Camp Ground on E. Forest Road. View west. 1932. 11114-2
LocationsYellowstone National Park, Park County, Wyoming, United States(44.59644,-110.5472)
Newton Creek, Park County, Wyoming, United States(44.45134,-109.75657)
Moss Creek, Park County, Wyoming, United States(44.45689,-109.71879)
Newton Creek, Park County, Wyoming, United States(44.45134,-109.75657)
Moss Creek, Park County, Wyoming, United States(44.45689,-109.71879)
TopicsYellowstone National Park
Roads--Maintenance and repair
Coarse woody debris
Forests and forestry
Roads--Maintenance and repair
Coarse woody debris
Forests and forestry
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_31_067
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160804183336