Yellowstone photo album 16, page 73
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL194536-239 Proposed Site of Bear Feeding Grounds. 7-12-35 Natural Bridge (Lake) Jacobson. 14160-3; YELL194536-237 Proposed Site of Bear Feeding Platform. 7-17-35 Natural Bridge (Lake) Jacobson. 14160-4; YELL194536-238 Proposed Site of Bear Feeding Platform. 7-17-35 Natural Bridge (Lake). Jacobson. 14160-5; YELL27351 Proposed Site of Amphitheatre, Bear Feeding Grounds. 7-17-35 Natural Bridge (Lake) Jacobson. 14160-6; YELL27352 New Fence Built in Trench at Bear Feeding Grounds. 8-1-35 Old Faithful. Jacobson. 14178-1; YELL194536-239 New Fence Joined onto Steel Fence at Bear Feeding Grounds. 7-24-35 Canyon. Jacobson. YELL194536-240 Completed Fence at Bear Feeding Grounds, For Protection of Tourists. 7-24-35 Canyon. Jacobson. 14170-5
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_16_079
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160802121821