Yellowstone photo album 21, page 26
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL32331 Spike camp. Arrangement of structures. Soda Butte. August 21, 1936, F.J. Danecki 14,418-7; YELL32334 Building screen door, West Yellowstone, 7-31-36 Danecki. 14,353-7; YELL32331 Spike camp. Arrangement of structures. Soda Butte, 8-21-36, Danecki 14,418-8; YELL32332 Tents and location. Slough Creek 8-21-36 Danecki. 14,416-2; YELL32335 Returning from spike camp. Slough Creek. 11/17/36, Danec 14,527-5; YELL32332 Tents and Buildings and Ranger Sta. Slough Creek 8-21-36 Danecki. 14,416-3; YELL32336 Digging new cess pool. Slough Creek Spike Camp. 11/17/36. Danecki 14,527-4; YELL32332 Completed by ccc Cess pool. Spike camp Slough Creek 8-21-36 Danecki. 14,416-1; YELL32337 Logs for winter fuel. Slough Creek Spike Camp. 11/17/36, Danecki 14,527-3; YELL32333 C.C.C Quarters Spike camp. N.E. Entrance Cook city 8-21-36 Danecki. 14,416-7; YELL32338 Temporary shelter for gate-guards. North Entrance. 11/16/36 Danecki 14,526-6
LocationsSlough Creek, Park County, Wyoming, United States(44.91827,-110.34742)
West Yellowstone, Gallatin County, Montana, United States(44.66215,-111.10411)
West Yellowstone, Gallatin County, Montana, United States(44.66215,-111.10411)
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_21_026
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160803121357