Yellowstone photo album 21, page 147
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionLoading Ramps. YELL20611 Loading Ramp. 9-11-35 Lake. Jacobson. 14193-6; YELL20586 Showing concrete forms under construction. 8-6-35 Lake. Jacobson. 14181-3; YELL20611 Ramp about one half completed. 9-11-35 Lake. Jacobson. 14193-5; YELL20586 Loading ramp. 8-6-35 Lake. Jacobson. 14181-2; YELL19782 Side veiw of completed ramp. 0-2-35 Lake. Jacobson. 14265-2; YELL19782 Front veiw of completed ramp. 0-2-35 Lake. Jacobson. 14265-1; YELL29911 Location stacks set for construction. Old Faithful. 9/23/35 -Jacobson. 14253-1; YELL19782 End veiw of completed ramp. 0-2-35 Lake. Jacobson. 14265-3; YELL33777 Docks. 8/27/37. Yellowstone Lake. Zaversnik 14588-2; YELL29911 Showing a garbage can holder built on incinerator. 8-14-35 Fishing Bridge Incinerator. Jacobson. 14183-8
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_21_147
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160803121357