Yellowstone photo album 16, page 72
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL194536-236 Visitors entering enclosure at Bear Feeding Grounds, Canyon, 8-2-36, Danecki 14,359-8; YELL27353 Traffic jam at Gate to Bear Feeding Grounds at Canyon, 8-2-36, Danecki 14,358-6; YELL27353 Ranger lecturing on Bears, Bear Feeding Grounds, Canyon, 8-2-36, Danecki 14,361-1; YELL27353 Ranger opening gate at Bear Feeding Grounds, 8-2-36, Danecki 14,358-7; YELL27353 Visitors standing because lack of room, Bear Feeding Grounds 8-2-36, Canyon, Danecki 14,361-2; YELL27353 Enableing [enabling] garbage truck to pass at Gate, Canyon, August 2, 1936, Danecki. 14,358-8; YELL27353 Lack of seats for spectators at bear Feeding Grounds, Canyon, 8-2-36, Danecki 14,361-3; YELL27315 Beggar Bear - Picture sent from Washington M-16; YELL27353 Seat arrangement and Bear Feeding Grounds, Canyon, August 2, 1936, Danecki 14,361-4
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_16_078
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160802121821