Yellowstone photo album 21, page 34
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL199116-23 Aldridge, Howard, Stewart. Mammoth Museum. 3-10-35 -Crowe 14223-6; YELL32309 Aldridge, Howard, Stewart. Mammoth Museum. 3-10-35 -Crowe 14223-5; YELL32398 CCC enrollees coloring type maps. Mammoth. 1-22-36 -Jacobson. 14324-6; YELL199116-23 Type map sheets colored by CCC enrollees. Mammoth. 1-22-36 -Jacobson. 14324-7; YELL32342 CCC enrollees coloring type maps. Mammoth 1-22-36 -Jacobson. 14324-4; YELL199116-23 Maps sheets colored by CCC enrollees. Mammoth. 1-22-36 -Jacobson. 14324-8; YELL32310 C.C.C.'s taking a written test in painting and decorating. 14334-3; YELL32341 CCC's test in painting and decorating. 2-13-36. Mammoth. Vocational training. 14334-5; YELL32310 Written test in Painting and Dec Mammoth. Vocational training. 14334-4; YELL32341 Written test in painting and decorating 2-13-36 Mammoth. Voca. Training. Jacobson. 14334-7; YELL199116-23 Written test in painting and decorating 2-13-36. Mammoth. Voca. Training. Jacobson. 14334-8; YELL199116-23 CCC's, test in painting and decorating. 2-13-36. Mammoth, Voca. Training. Jacobson. 14334-6
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_21_034
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160803121357