Yellowstone photo album 15, page 148
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL27017-5 Accident damages to car owned by Stalnaker. July 1936, Mammoth Elliot 15,073-1; YELL27017-2 Accident damages to car owned by Stalnaker. Mammoth, July 1936, Elliot 15,073-5; YELL27017-4 Accident damages to car owned by Stalmaker. Mammoth. July 1936, Elliot 15,073-2; YELL27016-4 Scene of Auto Accident. Arther Wilson. July 1936, Canyon. Photo by Curt Skinner. YELL27017-3 Accident damages to car owned by Stalmaker. Mammoth, July 1936, Elliot. 15,073-3; YELL27016-3 Scene of Auto Accident. Arther Wilson July 1936, Canyon. Photo by Curt Skinner 15,069-4; YELL27017-1 Accident Damages to car owned by Stalnaker. Mammoth. 15,073-4; YELL27023-2 Head-on Collision Anderson and Kale Drivers. TJ.-MS Road. Oct. 1936, Lt. Feeney 15,083-6; YELL27023-1 Head-on Collision (Anderson and Kale.) Drivers. TJ-MS Road. Oct. 1936, Lt Feeney. 15,083-5
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_15_173
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160802121821