Yellowstone photo album 21, page 83
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL199116-57 Fence constructed between seats and platforms at Old Faithful. 1935 G.W.M. 14607-6; YELL27352 Fence construction between seats and platform at Old Faithful. 1935 G.W.M. 14607-5; YELL19793 Horse Corral. Eight Mile Bridge, August 12, 1936, Danecki. 14,393-1; YELL19797 Corral fence stained brown, Old Faithful. August 17, 1936, Jacobson 14,407-6; YELL19768 Pasture fence, Blacktail. 12/34, Miller 14,076-1; YELL19768 Pasture fence, Blacktail, 12/34, Miller. 14,076-2; YELL19768 Pasture fence, Blacktail. 12/34. Miller. 14,076-3; YELL199116-57 Pasture fence, Blacktail. 12/34-Miller 14,055-5
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_21_083
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160803121357