Series Details
TitleYellowstone photo album 4
Series contains 193 items
Series contains 193 items
Date Created
Descriptive InformationThis album includes images of geology, botany, and many locations within and outside of Yellowstone National Park. Sections include: miscellaneous park scenery, flowers, botany, miscellaneous geological phenomena, geology, Gallatin Petrified Forest, Lamar Valley Petrified Forests, National Parks and Monuments (exclusive of Yellowstone), Big Hole Battlefield National Monument, Zion Park Country, country between Zion Park and Salt Lake City, Crow Indian Country Black Canyon and Vicinity, country north and adjacent to park, miscellaneous scenery (adjacent to park), Silver Tip Ranch, Jackson Hole ranches, miscl. dude ranches, and miscellaneous park scenery. Inclusive dates of creation are 1904-1956.
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital Identifieryell_albm_04
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160728115520