Note number 18, regarding fatigue details, page 4
National Park Service
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Transcriptionfound to be the best arrangement as it made a daily change in the hours of duty for those regiments permanently detailed for fatigue. The organization found most advantagious [advantageous] in working a command permanently detailed for fatigue duty, was to divide its effective force into four equal detachments, on duty eight hours each; relieving each other at 4 A.M., 12 M [midnight] and 8 P.M. The large number of extra troops employed in the trenches each night were usually changed daily. The Engineer Officers in charge of the works were divided into corresponding groups four in each, relieving each other at 8 A.M., 4 P.M. and 12 midnight four hours different from the time of relieving the troops. This difference enabled the engineer officer to carry the work through the period of relieving the fatigue details. One Engineer Officer having from two to four different kinds or jobs of work to superintend, was found to work advantageously in the night with the help of non-commissioned officers of engineers 100 to 200 men.
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Mediumletters (correspondence)
TypeStill Image
Contributing Institutions
Digital Identifiersmt_brooks527_093_004
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Batch ID20180328174717