List of the minimum amount of materials required
National Park Service
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List of the minimum amounts of materials required, including clean white pine timbers, steel, copper, and iron. A justification of the expenditure is provided. Possibly by Thomas Benton (T.B.) Brooks.
TranscriptionMinimum amount of materials required; 10,000 feet of Clean White Pine timbers [????]; 4,000 " " [Feet of] White Ash do [ditto]; 20,000 " " [Feet of] White Oak do [ditto]; 4,000 " [Feet of] Chestnut do [ditto]; 10 tons of American [????] iron; 1 " " [tons of] Boiler Iron; 5 " [tons of] Bar and [????] iron; 1200 Lbs of Bar Steel; 1500 Lbs Sheet Copper; 500 Lbs of Sheet Brass; 500 Lbs of sheet Zinc; 1200 of Sheet Zinc; 100 of [????] Zinc; 1000 Lbs of [????]; 500 Lbs of [????] Zinc; 1000 " " " [Lbs of] Copper; 1 Complete set of tools for working on Sheet Copper Brass tin and lead; 50 Lbs of [????] solder; 100 " " [Lbs of] Soft " [Solder]; 700 feet of [????] from 10 in to 1 in
TopicsSouth Carolina--History
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
Artillery operations
Fort Sumter National Monument (Agency : U.S.)
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
Artillery operations
Fort Sumter National Monument (Agency : U.S.)
Physical Descriptions
Mediumcommercial correspondence
TypeStill Image
Contributing Institutions
Digital Identifiersmt_brooks484_059_001
Permanent Link
Batch ID20180328174717