Yellowstone photo album 16, page 63
Yellowstone National Park
Item Details
Date Created
TranscriptionYELL194536-208 Bear cub in garbage cans back of Allen's house. Mammoth. Aug. 22, 1931. Joffe. 8160-2; YELL194536-209 Bear cubs at garbage cans back of Allen's house. Mammoth. Aug. 22, 1931. Joffe. 8160-1; YELL194536-210 Bear Cubs near O.F. incinerator -- Joffe. 7-5-31. 8153-3; YELL27248 Barney at the back door. -- Yeager, May 1931. 10029-1; YELL27323 Barney at the back door. -- Yeager, May, 1931. 10029-2; YELL27254 Large and Small Crates for shipping Bears. Nov. 9, 1939, Mammoth. En Neg. -Barrow's Kodachrome. 10,527-3; YELL27254 Large and Small Crates for Shipping Bears. Nov. 9, 1939, Mammoth. En. Neg. - Barrows Kodachrome. 10,527-1
Physical Descriptions
Mediumphotograph albums; black-and-white prints (photographs)
Contributing Institutions
Digital IdentifierYELL_16_068
Permanent Link
Batch ID20160802121821