"No Smoking" sign, Mahogany Hammock, circa 1960Everglades National Park; National Park ServiceClose up view of Mahogany Hammock Trail "No Smoking" sign with trail and hammock in background and slough in foreground; "Benham, View from Cf65 Tower at Mahogany Hammock, Kodak Super Pan Press, 100, f 22-32, Graphic". Polyester Copy Negative.
White nubian doe, Chikaming Shasta Caesarea, with woman in front of white buildingCarl Sandburg Home National Historic SiteWoman and Chikaming Shasta Caesarea, white nubian doe, in front of white building. Goat facing woman, profile to camera. Behind them is wooden partition. Girl kneels to hold goat by collar. Band w/glossy. On reverse in ink, "Apr 22 1942" and "349t." Two copies, Carl 13534-35.
Letter, 1863 April 22, Macaulay to Brooks, providing updates on the Companies, page 1National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Macaulay providing updates on the Companies, including their locations and activities. Macaulay also reports that the Iron Clads cannot do what was expected of them, and that they are a failure. Macaulay writes that they have seen in the papers some account of a fight between General Gillmore's command & a body of rebels, and that Macaulay hopes Brooks escaped safely.
Letter, 1863 April 22, Macaulay to Brooks, providing updates on the Companies, page 4National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Macaulay providing updates on the Companies, including their locations and activities. Macaulay also reports that the Iron Clads cannot do what was expected of them, and that they are a failure. Macaulay writes that they have seen in the papers some account of a fight between General Gillmore's command & a body of rebels, and that Macaulay hopes Brooks escaped safely.
Letter, 1863 September 22, James Wallace to Brooks, regarding Parrott guns that failed [Verso]National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from James Baldwin, reporting results of Baldwin's examination of the 100 and 200 Pdr Parrott guns that failed during the bombardment of Ft. Sumter. The number of rounds at which guns failed, signs of crystallization, cracks, and fractures in the guns are detailed.
Letter, 1863 April 22, Macaulay to Brooks, providing updates on the Companies, page 3National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Macaulay providing updates on the Companies, including their locations and activities. Macaulay also reports that the Iron Clads cannot do what was expected of them, and that they are a failure. Macaulay writes that they have seen in the papers some account of a fight between General Gillmore's command & a body of rebels, and that Macaulay hopes Brooks escaped safely.
Letter, 1863 September 22, James Wallace to Brooks, regarding Parrott guns that failed [Recto]National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from James Baldwin, reporting results of Baldwin's examination of the 100 and 200 Pdr Parrott guns that failed during the bombardment of Ft. Sumter. The number of rounds at which guns failed, signs of crystallization, cracks, and fractures in the guns are detailed.
Letter, 1863 April 22, Macaulay to Brooks, providing updates on the Companies, page 2National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from Macaulay providing updates on the Companies, including their locations and activities. Macaulay also reports that the Iron Clads cannot do what was expected of them, and that they are a failure. Macaulay writes that they have seen in the papers some account of a fight between General Gillmore's command & a body of rebels, and that Macaulay hopes Brooks escaped safely.
Letter, 1863 September 22, James Wallace to Brooks, regarding Parrott guns that failed, page 2National Park ServiceLetter to Brooks from James Baldwin, reporting results of Baldwin's examination of the 100 and 200 Pdr Parrott guns that failed during the bombardment of Ft. Sumter. The number of rounds at which guns failed, signs of crystallization, cracks, and fractures in the guns are detailed.
Groundwater-surface water interaction along the C-2 Canal, Miami-Dade County, FloridaTechnical publication (South Florida Water Management District (Fla.). Water Supply Department); WS-22; Title from PDF title screen (viewed on September 28, 2009).; "December 2007."; The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD or District) Water Supply Department participated in this project to support the SFWMD Hydrologic & Environmental Systems Modeling (HESM) Department, and to help quantify the interaction between surface water and groundwater near the C-2 Canal in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The HESM Department requested field measurements along the C-2 Canal near the Southwest, Alexander Orr, and Snapper Creek wellfields to improve the calibration of the SFWMM and the NSM in Miami-Dade County. The investigation focused on trying to quantify the freshwater flow to Biscayne Bay that is being intercepted in the C-2 Canal by pumping from the Snapper Creek, Alexander Orr, and Southwest wellfields. The investigation combined data from different sources to help meet its goals: groundwater levels, surface water levels, wellfield withdrawal data, and stream gauging data.
Memoranda, providing data on 300 pounder Parrott gunsNational Park ServiceMemoranda providing data on 300 pounder Parrott guns, such as the number of rounds fired, repairs needed, and the elevations used when firing shots.
Data from experiments on sand, sand bags, etc. and work relating to siege works, Morris Island, July-September 1863National Park ServiceTables of data from experiments measuring weights of dry and wet sand, data showing penetration of Sharps, Enfields, and Spencer Rifles and Coehorn mortar shells into materials such as sand bags, sand bags filled with cotton, fascines, and pine. Also contains tables of data showing how much dirt can be dug by men in a period of time.
Data from experiments on sand, sand bags, etc. and work relating to siege works, Morris Island, July-September 1863National Park ServiceTables of data from experiments measuring weights of dry and wet sand, data showing penetration of Sharps, Enfields, and Spencer Rifles and Coehorn mortar shells into materials such as sand bags, sand bags filled with cotton, fascines, and pine. Also contains tables of data showing how much dirt can be dug by men in a period of time.