Developing a Data-Driven Classification of South Florida Plant CommunitiesA comprehensive, broadly accepted vegetation classification is important for ecosystem
management, particularly for planning and monitoring. South Florida vegetation
classification systems that are currently in use were largely arrived at subjectively and
intuitively with the involvement of experienced botanical observers and ecologists, but with
little support in terms of quantitative field data. The need to develop a field data-driven
classification of South Florida vegetation that builds on the ecological organization has been
recognized by the National Park Service and vegetation practitioners in the region. The present work,
funded by The National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program - South Florida/
Caribbean Network (SFCN), covers the first phase of a large project whose a goal is to apply
extant vegetation data to test, and revise as necessary, an existing, widely used classification
(Rutchey et al. 2006), and ultimately to develop the revised classification in the National
Vegetation Classification System format.